Thursday, August 4, 2011

Configure ATM on a PH301

First find SN#.

liasse> linkupgrade
Boards found in CE liasse :
Board 0, Ulticom 0200 type, sn# 22138, with 16 links , revision 2H
Board 0, Ulticom 0301 type, sn# 45877, with 2 links , line interface type ATM ,revision B1

Then upgrade the EEPROM on the board:

/export/home/omni_9S6/bin/test/makekey 45877 2 -b 0301 -i ATM -mode nonchan

Then restart SW and the board will be flashed.

Generate a new license file

Prendre un fichier existant: ULCM_Signalware_9_license.lic.
Rajouter/remplacer une machine.


Reporter dans le fichier.

 cp ~/bin/scripts/resign/keystore .
 /u/gallinar/bin/scripts/resign/resign ULCM_Signalware_9_license.lic
 licenseUpdate -name Signalware -ver 9

Change php.ini on yapita

ssh yapi
su -
~licweb/bin/me /etc/opt/apache/php.ini
/opt/apache/sbin/apachectl stop
/opt/apache/sbin/apachectl start

See full license My SQL req / rsp

ssh yapi
~licweb/bin/me /export/licweb/htdocs/lfgweb/

Change ‘CONF_LOG_TRACE_LEVEL’ from ‘INFO’ into ‘ALL’.

tail -f /export/licweb/htdocs/lfgweb/log/dbproxy.<day>.log

Downgrade the license of a board

Downgrading board 0 to 2 links on king:

[gallinar@king] gallinar_cr32561_sun 698 > linkupgrade
Boards found in CE king :
Board 0, Ulticom 0200 type, sn# 23550, with 16 links , revision 4J
Board 1, Ulticom 0200 type, sn# 23507, with 16 links , revision 4J

[gallinar@king] gallinar_cr32561_sun 698 > /vob/signalware/Master/linkupgrade/unit_test/makekey 23550 2 -b PC0200 -i TDM -mode nonchan

[gallinar@king] gallinar_cr32561_sun 698 > linkupgrade 23550-ztkfbbfc-pwqhetyd
no duplicate boards found
Upgrading board sn# 23550
Verifying board sn# 23550
Board sn# 23550 on king has been downgraded to 2 links

[gallinar@king] gallinar_cr32561_sun 698 > linkupgrade 
Boards found in CE king :
Board 0, Ulticom 0200 type, sn# 23550, with 2 links , revision 4J
Board 1, Ulticom 0200 type, sn# 23507, with 16 links , revision 4J


Can be done without stopping the stack (dyn.).

yapita / yapitatest information

Symbolic links:

/export/licweb/htdocs -> /export/apache/lfg/htdocs
/export/apache -> /export/homea/apache

phpMy Admin directory:


There is now a symlink from ~licweb/phpmyadmin to access it via:
To make it work, I had to change the owner of the phpmyadmin directory as well as the phpmyadmin/index.php to be (licweb, apache).

Document Root is defined as /export/homea/apache/lfg/htdocs in:


Connect from xenon to yapitatest

xenon> mysql -u lfguser2 -pzolefogo -h lrsdb2

How to test a new hostid

From CR29335:

  • I changed temporarily the machine hostid to be the same as the Petra’s machine (siena2): 0×05919040. Actually, I just wanted to test the license lib against a hostid starting with 0.
  • I then re-generated the complete Ulticom host id of the machine and used it to re-sign my license file.
    This caused licenseUpdate to output the same original error message as Petra’s: “Permission denied, no valid Ulticom host identifier.”
  • I then used gdb to track what part of the code in the license lib was causing it.
    From what I saw, in expatparse.c file, function processHost Id(), we try to compare the string “05919040-Sun OS-sangria-E04CA67B1B5BBABBB83726A8”, as extracted from my license file with either “5919040-Sun OS-33BEB694D320A3A018243C2B9C” or “5919040-Sun OS-sangria-2918BA5D70D5EEA84E90339FB6”, which are the results of getMy Host Id From CE() and getMy Old Host Id From CE() respectively.

How to use deploy.xml onto lrsbet2

> /vob/common/3rdparty/jakarta-ant/apache-ant-1.8.1/bin/ant -f deploy.xml -Dlrs.instance=test2

gprof enabling

  • Add the ”-pg” option to every .o compilation + to the exe also.
  • Link with static versions of libraries that need being profiled.

Example given:

cd /vob/signalware/Master/scos
swmake gprof
cd /vob/signalware/Master/test/tcap/c7
rm /vob/signalware/Master/library/
clearmake -V "PROT_FLAGS=-DC7_Q" gprof

Then running c7icptrans should produce a gmon.out.

To extract the information from gmon.out, use gprof:

gprof /export/home/omni_9S5/bin/test/c7icptrans gmon.out > gprof.txt