Tuesday, November 26, 2019

byobu: name a new session

byobu new -s <session-name>

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Clojure: if key exists: update, otherwise: assoc

Source : if key exists: update, otherwise: assoc
user> (update {:a [1]} :a (fnil conj []) 2)
{:a [1 2]}
user> (update {:a [1]} :b (fnil conj []) 2)
{:a [1], :b [2]}

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

macOS: know the details of running httpd

[jerome@jeroboam] > $(ps ax -o comm | grep -m 1 '[a]pache\|[h]ttpd') -V
Server version: Apache/2.4.41 (Unix)
Server built:   Oct  1 2019 10:31:38
Server's Module Magic Number: 20120211:88
Server loaded:  APR 1.7.0, APR-UTIL 1.6.1
Compiled using: APR 1.7.0, APR-UTIL 1.6.1
Architecture:   64-bit
Server MPM:     prefork
  threaded:     no
    forked:     yes (variable process count)
Server compiled with....
 -D APR_HAVE_IPV6 (IPv4-mapped addresses enabled)
 -D HTTPD_ROOT="/usr/local/Cellar/httpd/2.4.41_1"
 -D SUEXEC_BIN="/usr/local/opt/httpd/bin/suexec"
 -D DEFAULT_PIDLOG="/usr/local/var/run/httpd/httpd.pid"
 -D DEFAULT_SCOREBOARD="logs/apache_runtime_status"
 -D DEFAULT_ERRORLOG="logs/error_log"
 -D AP_TYPES_CONFIG_FILE="/usr/local/etc/httpd/mime.types"
 -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="/usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd.conf"

macOS: where to find crash files.

On macOS, crashes of processes can be found in /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports (system-wide) and ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports (user).
These plain text files can be opened by the Console app or the System Reports app.

macOS: httpd: child pid 45333 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

  • macOS 10.15 (Catalina)
  • php 7.3.10
  • Apache 2.4.41
If you try to do SOAP requests with PHP 7 on macOS and you get permanent segmentation faults in the httpd error log, this is due to a bug in the PHP Apache module.
You can have an idea of the reasons of the segmentation fault in the .crash files automatically generated on macOS.
[jerome@jeroboam] > less /Users/jerome/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/httpd_2019-10-22-214827_jeroboam.crash
Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x00007fff71d21732 _platform_strlen + 18
1   libphp7.so                          0x000000010e5808e9 get_param + 56
2   libphp7.so                          0x000000010e581569 serialize_response_call2 + 648
3   libphp7.so                          0x000000010e57b371 serialize_response_call + 3807
4   libphp7.so                          0x000000010e57a01f zim_SoapServer_handle + 7188
5   libphp7.so                          0x000000010e739fa5 ZEND_DO_FCALL_SPEC_RETVAL_UNUSED_HANDLER + 412
6   libphp7.so                          0x000000010e709df9 execute_ex + 98
7   libphp7.so                          0x000000010e709f76 zend_execute + 319
8   libphp7.so                          0x000000010e6cfab7 zend_execute_scripts + 277
9   libphp7.so                          0x000000010e67b1a0 php_execute_script + 636
10  libphp7.so                          0x000000010e777f2f php_handler + 1092
11  httpd                               0x000000010dac6443 ap_run_handler + 51
12  httpd                               0x000000010dac69fd ap_invoke_handler + 240
13  httpd                               0x000000010dafc690 ap_internal_redirect + 54
14  mod_rewrite.so                      0x000000010dc895af handler_redirect + 128
15  httpd                               0x000000010dac6443 ap_run_handler + 51
16  httpd                               0x000000010dac69fd ap_invoke_handler + 240
17  httpd                               0x000000010dafc1cb ap_process_async_request + 864
18  httpd                               0x000000010dafc262 ap_process_request + 20
19  httpd                               0x000000010daf9078 ap_process_http_connection + 385
20  httpd                               0x000000010dad6c2c ap_run_process_connection + 51
21  mod_mpm_prefork.so                  0x000000010dc73807 child_main + 1085
22  mod_mpm_prefork.so                  0x000000010dc732c6 make_child + 409
23  mod_mpm_prefork.so                  0x000000010dc7330e startup_children + 72
24  mod_mpm_prefork.so                  0x000000010dc7258b prefork_run + 282
25  httpd                               0x000000010dad8f5f ap_run_mpm + 64
26  httpd                               0x000000010dacd58f main + 2119
27  libdyld.dylib                       0x00007fff71b23405 start + 1
The bug is known and referenced in Bug #73906.
A workaround is also proposed, which consists in having your PHP function return a hash map.
For example, if your function return an array of requestId + sessionAuthId, then replace it with
array('requestId' => $result[0], 'sessionAuthId' => $result[1])

Friday, October 18, 2019

postgreSQL: generate big data of unique numbers

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION jerome_pseudo_encrypt(VALUE int) returns int AS $$
l1 int;
l2 int;
r1 int;
r2 int;
i int:=0;
 l1:= (VALUE >> 16) & 65535;
 r1:= VALUE & 65535;
   l2 := r1;
   r2 := l1 # ((((1366 * r1 + 150889) % 714025) / 714025.0) * 32767)::int;
   l1 := l2;
   r1 := r2;
   i := i + 1;
 RETURN ((r1 << 16) + l1);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql strict immutable;
create sequence jerome_seq maxvalue 2147483647;
create table prov_db.dt_hpe_dev (hpe_dev_id bigserial, sim_id bigint, constraint dt_hpe_dev_pkey primary key (hpe_dev_id));
insert into prov_db.dt_hpe_dev (sim_id) select jerome_pseudo_encrypt(nextval('jerome_seq')::int)  from generate_series(1, 1000000);

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

macOS: xcrun: error: invalid active developer path

Source: Git is not working after macOS Update
[jerome@jeroboam] > make
xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun
[jerome@jeroboam] > xcode-select --install
xcode-select: note: install requested for command line developer tools

Saturday, October 12, 2019

macOS: upgrade from Mojave 10.14.6 to Catalina 10.15

After some readings at macOS 10.15 Catalina is Now Available on the Mac App Store, followed these steps:
  1. Upgraded Clover from 4920 to 5070 (macOS: from Clover 4920 to 5070)
  2. Updated AppleALC.kext
  3. Updated Lilu.kext
  4. Updated WhateverGreen.kext
  5. Followed the steps from [Guide] USB power property injection for Sierra (and later), and installed downloaded SSDT-EC.aml into EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/patched/
  6. Rebooted
  7. Downloaded and installed Catalina regularly.
    NB: At some point, the proper boot device was removed from the BIOS, but once reset, the install completed.

macOS: from Clover 4920 to 5070

Source: How to Update Clover v2.4k r4xxx to v2.5k r5xxx
  1. Mount EFI partition
  2. centurion:EFI jerome$ diskutil list
    /dev/disk0 (internal, physical):
       #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *250.1 GB   disk0
       1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk0s1
       2:                  Apple_HFS hdd250                  249.7 GB   disk0s2
    /dev/disk1 (internal, physical):
       #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *120.0 GB   disk1
       1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk1s1
       2:                 Apple_APFS Container disk2         119.8 GB   disk1s2
    /dev/disk2 (synthesized):
       #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:      APFS Container Scheme -                      +119.8 GB   disk2
                                     Physical Store disk1s2
       1:                APFS Volume ssd120                  64.8 GB    disk2s1
       2:                APFS Volume Preboot                 183.4 MB   disk2s2
       3:                APFS Volume Recovery                2.0 GB     disk2s3
       4:                APFS Volume VM                      20.5 KB    disk2s4
    /dev/disk3 (internal, physical):
       #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *500.1 GB   disk3
       1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk3s1
       2:                  Apple_HFS hdd500                  499.2 GB   disk3s2
       3:                 Apple_Boot Recovery HD             650.0 MB   disk3s3
    centurion:EFI jerome$ sudo mkdir /Volumes/EFI
    centurion:EFI jerome$ sudo mount_msdos /dev/disk1s1 /Volumes/EFI
  3. Backup EFI partition
  4. centurion:EFI jerome$ cp -r /Volumes/EFI/EFI /Volumes/ssd120/EFI-Backups/r4920/2019-09-20-20h34/
  5. Remove /Volumes/EFI/EFI/
  6. Start Clover installer | Customize
  7. Match all the drivers from drivers64UEFI/

    As there is no match for AptioMemoryFix-64, leave it aside and complete the install.
    Contents of drivers/UEFI/ in the end:
  8. Copy the old AptioMemoryFix-64 from EFI backup into the new drivers/UEFI/
  9. Copy the kexts/Other/ contents from EFI backup into the new kexts/Other/
  10. Copy themes/tonymacx86/ from EFI backup into the new themes/
  11. Copy config.plist from EFI backup into the new CLOVER/
  12. Copy ACPI/patched/SSDT-UIAC-ALL.aml from EFI backup into the new ACPI/patched/
  13. Re-start

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Clojure: remove from list

Source: How can I remove specific element from a list?
Tip: use a set.
;; Remove elements:
(remove #{3 5} [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9])

;; Keep elements:
(keep #{7 5 3} [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9])

;; Check if element exists:
(some #{5} [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9])

Redshift epoch

Source: Redshift Epochs and Timestamps
select rating_date, extract('epoch' from rating_date::timestamp) as rating_date_epoch
from eu_db1.ft_rated_cdr
where extract('epoch' from cdr_date::timestamp) = 1561504138
and charged_co_id = 296661

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

PostgreSQL: distinct but only for one column

Source: Postgres: Distinct but only for one column
Problem: The following returns 2 distinct network_id for the same mccmnc_code.
with toto as (
    select mccmnc_code from (values (24024)) as x(mccmnc_code)
select dt_mccmnc.mccmnc_code, dt_mccmnc.network_id, dt_mccmnc.country_id
from toto
left join shared_db.dt_mccmnc 
    on dt_mccmnc.mccmnc_code = toto.mccmnc_code
    and dt_mccmnc.master_country_flg is true
    and localtimestamp(0) <@ dt_mccmnc.validity_period

-- mccmnc_code network_id country_id
-- 24024 1828 297
-- 24024 1816 297
So as to keep only one of the rows, use the following:
with toto as (
    select mccmnc_code from (values (24024)) as x(mccmnc_code)
select distinct on (dt_mccmnc.mccmnc_code) dt_mccmnc.mccmnc_code, dt_mccmnc.network_id, dt_mccmnc.country_id
from toto
left join shared_db.dt_mccmnc 
    on dt_mccmnc.mccmnc_code = toto.mccmnc_code
    and dt_mccmnc.master_country_flg is true
    and localtimestamp(0) <@ dt_mccmnc.validity_period

-- mccmnc_code network_id country_id
-- 24024 1828 297

Monday, August 26, 2019

PostgreSQL: create table from CSV

Import CSV data into new table.
create table shared_db.dt_ranking (ranking_id bigserial, vers text,tadig_code text ,mcc text ,mnc text ,advanced int, lite int, vplmn_rank int,
   constraint dt_ranking_pkey primary key (ranking_id)
\copy shared_db.dt_ranking (vers,tadig_code,mcc,mnc,advanced,lite,vplmn_rank) from '/tmp/ranking.csv' with (format csv, delimiter ',', header true);

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Clojure: nested destructuring

user> toto
{:pim 1, :pam {:poum [{:pif 1, :paf 2}]}}
user> (let [{:keys [pim] 
             {:keys [poum] [{:keys [pif paf]}] :poum} :pam} toto]
        {:pim pim :poum poum :pif pif :paf paf})
{:pim 1, :poum [{:pif 1, :paf 2}], :pif 1, :paf 2}

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

macOS: access hidden user Library in Time Machine

  1. Enter Time Machine
  2. Type Cmd Shift G
  3. Input ~/Library

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

postgreSQL: get some table statistics

select * from pg_stat_all_tables where schemaname = 'short_message_db' and relname = 'dt_msg';
select * from pg_statio_all_tables where schemaname = 'short_message_db' and relname = 'dt_msg';

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

macOS: bash error: declare: -A: invalid option

[jerome@jeroboam] > ./avws-stores.sh 
+++ dirname ./avws-stores.sh
++ cd .
++ pwd
+ SCRIPT_DIR=/Users/jerome/src/boss-sms-vas/release
+ REPO_NAME=boss-sms-vas-stores
+ declare -A AWS_S3_BUCKETS
./avws-stores.sh: line 16: declare: -A: invalid option
declare: usage: declare [-afFirtx] [-p] [name[=value] ...]
Reason: The standard macOS bash version is an antiquity.
Source: Upgrading Bash on macOS
[jerome@jeroboam] > brew install bash
[jerome@jeroboam] > sudo vi /etc/shells
[jerome@jeroboam] > chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash

AWS: list Aurora supported PostgreSQL versions

[jerome@jeroboam] > aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --engine aurora-postgresql --region eu-west-1
            "Engine": "aurora-postgresql", 
            "DBParameterGroupFamily": "aurora-postgresql10", 
            "SupportsLogExportsToCloudwatchLogs": false, 
            "SupportsReadReplica": false, 
            "DBEngineDescription": "Aurora (PostgreSQL)", 
            "SupportedEngineModes": [
            "EngineVersion": "10.6", 
            "DBEngineVersionDescription": "Aurora PostgreSQL (compatible with PostgreSQL 10.6)", 
            "ValidUpgradeTarget": []

Monday, April 1, 2019

Clojure spec: key required depending on another key value

;; status > 0 => msgid required
(defmulti sendmt-rsp-mm (fn [rsp] (-> rsp :status (clojure.string/starts-with? "-")))) ; Actually means: status < 0
(defmethod sendmt-rsp-mm false [_] (s/keys :req-un [::status
(defmethod sendmt-rsp-mm true  [_] (s/keys :req-un [::status
(s/def ::sendmt-rsp (s/multi-spec sendmt-rsp-mm (fn [gen-v _] gen-v)))
(s/def ::sendmt-rsp (s/and (s/keys :req-un [::status])
                            #(if (clojure.string/starts-with? (:status %) "-")
                               (contains? % :text)
                               (contains? % :msgid))))
user> (s/valid? ::sendmt-rsp {:status "2" :text "caca"})
user> (s/valid? ::sendmt-rsp {:status "2" :msgid "caca"})
user> (s/valid? ::sendmt-rsp {:status "-2" :text "caca"})
user> (s/valid? ::sendmt-rsp {:status "-2" :msgid "caca"})

Friday, March 22, 2019

postgreSQL: collapse contiguous ranges

Source: Efficiently select beginning and end of multiple contiguous ranges in Postgresql query
with recursive
data as (
	select * from (
    values	('foo', 2, 3),
		   	('foo', 3, 4),
			('foo', 4, 5),
			('foo', 10, 11),
			('foo', 11, 13),
			('foo', 13, 15),
			('bar', 1, 2),
			('bar', 2, 4),
			('bar', 7, 8)
	) as baz (name, first, last)
recur (name, first, last) as (
    select name, first, last, last-first as span from data
    union all
    select name, data.first, data.last, recur.span+data.last-data.first as span
    from data join recur using (name)
    where data.first = recur.last
select name, start, start + span as end, span from (
    select name, (last-span) as start, max(span) as span from (
         select name, first, last, max(span) as span 
        from recur
        group by name, first, last
    ) as z
    group by name, (last-span)
) as z

│ name │ start │ end │ span │
│ bar  │     1 │   4 │    3 │
│ bar  │     7 │   8 │    1 │
│ foo  │    10 │  15 │    5 │
│ foo  │     2 │   5 │    3 │
(4 rows)

Or if we do not have a "last" column.
with recursive
data as (
    select * from (
        values ('foo', 2),
               ('foo', 3),
               ('foo', 4),
               ('foo', 10),
               ('foo', 11),
               ('foo', 13),
               ('bar', 1),
               ('bar', 2),
               ('bar', 7)
    ) as baz (name, first)
recur (name, first) as (
    select name, first, 1 as span from data
    union all
    select name, data.first, recur.span+1 as span
    from data
    join recur using (name)
    where data.first = recur.first + 1
select name, start, start + span - 1 as end, span from (
    select name, (first+1-span) as start, max(span) as span from (
        select name, first, max(span) as span 
        from recur
        group by name, first
    ) as z
    group by name, start
) as z
order by name, start

│ name │ start │ end │ span │
│ bar  │     1 │   2 │    2 │
│ bar  │     7 │   7 │    1 │
│ foo  │     2 │   4 │    3 │
│ foo  │    10 │  11 │    2 │
│ foo  │    13 │  13 │    1 │
(5 rows)

The problem is that with recursive tends to be slow when dealing with millions of rows.
How to find the boundaries of groups of contiguous sequential numbers? proposes a faster approach.
data as (
    select * from (
        values ('foo', 2),
               ('foo', 3),
               ('foo', 4),
               ('foo', 10),
               ('foo', 11),
               ('foo', 13),
               ('bar', 1),
               ('bar', 2),
               ('bar', 7)
    ) as baz (name, first)
island as (
    select first - row_number() over (order by name, first) as grp,
    name, first
    from data
select name, min(first) as start, max(first) as end
from island
group by name, grp
order by name, start

│ name │ start │ end │
│ bar  │     1 │   2 │
│ bar  │     7 │   7 │
│ foo  │     2 │   4 │
│ foo  │    10 │  11 │
│ foo  │    13 │  13 │
(5 rows)

Thursday, March 14, 2019

macOS: terminal UTF-8 issues

If you cannot display unicode characters in psql, e.g.
[jerome@jeroboam] > psql mydb
mydb=# \d public.tap_funky 
         View "public.tap_funky"
<E2><94><82>   Column    <E2><94><82>     Type     <E2><94><82> Modifiers <E2><94><82>
[jerome@jeroboam] > vi ~/.bash_profile
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
[jerome@jeroboam] > source ~/.bash_profile
And finally
mydb=# \d public.tap_funky 
         View "public.tap_funky"
│   Column    │     Type     │ Modifiers │
│ oid         │ oid          │           │
│ schema      │ name         │           │
│ name        │ name         │           │
│ owner       │ name         │           │
│ args        │ text         │           │
│ returns     │ text         │           │
│ langoid     │ oid          │           │
│ is_strict   │ boolean      │           │
│ is_agg      │ boolean      │           │
│ is_definer  │ boolean      │           │
│ returns_set │ boolean      │           │
│ volatility  │ character(1) │           │
│ is_visible  │ boolean      │           │

macOS: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/readline/lib/libreadline.7.dylib

If you get:
[jerome@jeroboam] > psql mydb
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/readline/lib/libreadline.7.dylib
  Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/psql
  Reason: image not found
Abort trap: 6
Fix it with:
[jerome@jeroboam] > ln -s /usr/local/opt/readline/lib/libreadline.8.0.dylib /usr/local/opt/readline/lib/libreadline.7.dylib

Monday, March 4, 2019

AWS MFA with Yubikey and macOS

Purpose: Take advantage of the Yubikey to generate the 6 digit TOTP required by AWS MFA without using Google Authenticator.
Downside: You can't just press the Yubikey button and have the code generated as you would expect, but this can be alleviated with a keyboard shortcut.
  1. Install the Yubikey CLI
  2. brew install ykman
  3. Insert the Yubikey
  4. Show a list of configured TOTP accounts
  5. [jerome@jeroboam] > ykman oath list
    [jerome@jeroboam] > 
  6. Log in to AWS Management Console as usual, pop up the menu by clicking on your user name and select My Security Credentials.
  7. Push the "Manage MFA Device" button.
  8. Select Remove to disable MFA, and then re-start the procedure to activate MFA again.

  9. In the next screen, select “Virtual MFA device”.
  10. Show the secret key: it will be passed to ykman.
  11. Configure MFA for your service.
  12. [jerome@jeroboam] > ykman oath add 'Amazon Web Services:toto@org-prod' 
    [jerome@jeroboam] > ykman oath list
    Amazon Web Services:toto@org-prod
  13. Then, this will get you a 6 digit code.
  14. [jerome@jeroboam] > ykman oath code --single 'Amazon Web Services:toto@org-prod'
  15. Start Automator, and create a new Quick Action.
  16. Search for applescript.
  17. Drag and drop "Run applescript" to the right hand side, select "Workflow receives no input", and type the following code.
  18. Then File | Save, and go to System Preferences | Keyboard | Shortcuts | Services to assign a shortcut to your new service.
  19. Now, simply log in the AWS Management Console with your password, and when the site asks for the MFA, use the programmed shortcut, which will automatically generate the 6 digit code and grant you access.
NB: First time I tried the shortcut in Firefox, I got this error: 

but macOS Mojave, Automator “Not authorized to send Apple events to System Events.” gave the solution:
I quote:
System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Accessibility > Click Automator and TADA it works.
End quote

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

macOS: merge 2 terminals in tabs

Source: How can I merge two terminal windows in OS X lion?
This still actually works with macOS 10.14.2