To get rid of that behavior:
- Remove the network drive from the Login Items
- Drag and drop the network drive to the dock
[EDIT] The login / password dialog showing up whenever we log in has been fixed in 10.12.2 at last.
rm ~/Library/Preferences/
do $$ declare _row record; _query text; begin for _row in SELECT tgname, tgrelid::regclass as table_name FROM pg_trigger where tgname ~ 'bucardo' and tgrelid::regclass::text ~ 'shared_db' loop _query := format('drop trigger %s on %s', _row.tgname, _row.table_name); raise notice '%', _query; execute _query; end loop; end $$;
The resource from “” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
SELECT attname, format_type(atttypid, atttypmod) AS type
FROM pg_attribute
WHERE attrelid = 'foo'::regclass
AND attnum > 0
AND NOT attisdropped
ORDER BY attnum;
cp -R /Volumes/EFI/EFI/CLOVER/kexts/10.11/* /Volumes/EFI/EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other
cp -R /Volumes/osx/System/Library/Extensions/NVDAStartup.kext /Volumes/EFI/EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other
rm -R /Volumes/osx/System/Library/Extensions/NVDAStartup.kext
(when (fboundp 'electric-indent-mode) (electric-indent-mode -1))See
sudo wget -O /etc/fonts/conf.d/10-wkhtmltopdf.conf
grep -A150 '2016-05-31 11:06:39.265' postgresql-31.csv > /tmp/postgresql-31.csv.extract
crmmbqt=# select * from pgq.get_consumer_info() where queue_name = 'londiste3_queue';
│ queue_name │ consumer_name │ lag │ last_seen │ last_tick │ current_batch │ next_tick │ pending_events │
│ londiste3_queue │ .global_watermark │ 02:12:20.5365 │ 00:01:16.560372 │ 14376 │ NULL │ NULL │ 13333 │
│ londiste3_queue │ londiste3_slave │ 00:04:48.404077 │ 00:00:00.014105 │ 14630 │ 5070555 │ 14631 │ 252 │
│ londiste3_queue │ .slave.watermark │ 02:09:20.494378 │ 00:00:07.537384 │ 14381 │ NULL │ NULL │ 10910 │
(3 rows)
delete from resource_db.ht_sim_party where sim_party_id in ( select sim_party_id from ( select sim_party_id, sim_id, party_id, rnum from ( select distinct sim_party_id, sim_id, party_id, row_number() over (partition by party_id) as rnum from resource_db.ht_sim_party where ht_sim_party.from_date <= localtimestamp(0) and localtimestamp(0) < ht_sim_party.to_date and '2016-05-30' < ht_sim_party.from_date ) as foo where rnum > 1 ) as bar )
select c.relname, l.*, psa.* from pg_locks l inner join pg_stat_activity psa ON ( = left outer join pg_class c ON (l.relation = c.oid) where l.relation = 'prov_db.ht_request_status'::regclass;
create type my_type as (val1 int, val2 int); create function my_function(arr my_type[]) returns text language plpgsql as $$ begin return arr::text; end; $$; select my_function(array[row(1,2)::my_type, row(3,4)::my_type]); my_function ------------------- {"(1,2)","(3,4)"} (1 row)
select t1.* from table1 t1 left join table2 t2 on where is null;
with radius_cdr_pdp(sgsn_address, cdr_src_id) as ( values (''::inet, 1), (''::inet, 2), (null, 3) ), dt_ip_range(ip_range) as ( values (''::inet), (''::inet), (''::inet), (null) ), radius_cdr_pdp_max as ( select max(masklen(dt_ip_range.ip_range)) as max_masklen, cdr_src_id from radius_cdr_pdp left join dt_ip_range on radius_cdr_pdp.sgsn_address <<= dt_ip_range.ip_range group by cdr_src_id ) select radius_cdr_pdp.sgsn_address, dt_ip_range.ip_range, radius_cdr_pdp.cdr_src_id, radius_cdr_pdp_max.max_masklen from radius_cdr_pdp join radius_cdr_pdp_max using (cdr_src_id) left join dt_ip_range on radius_cdr_pdp.sgsn_address <<= dt_ip_range.ip_range and radius_cdr_pdp_max.max_masklen = masklen(dt_ip_range.ip_range);
WITH temp (k,v) AS (VALUES (0,-9999), (1, 100)) SELECT * FROM temp;
select 1 = any (array[2, 4, 6]);
NOT contained:select 1 != all (array[2, 4, 6]);
perl -pi -e 'print "use \\MBQT\\framework\\Session;\n" if $. == 1' <file>
select last_value from identity_id_seq;
Set sequence:select setval('identity_id_seq', 2000041);
_param_array := array(select foo from prov_db.get_rz_addon_param_list(i_co_id) as foo);
select ht_sim_profile_mno.*
from resource_db.ht_sim_profile_mno join resource_db.dt_host_mno using (host_mno_id)
where host_mno_name = any (values ('MBQT'), ('ORANGE'));
ORA-29273: HTTP request failed
ORA-06512: at “SYS.UTL_HTTP”, line 1722
ORA-28857: Unknown SSL error
ORA-06512: at line 1
A workaround is to use Apache Reverse Proxy:
SSLProxyEngine on ProxyPass /oneagain ProxyPassReverse /oneagain https://oneagain.netThen replace:
And forget about the wallet.
git reset --hard [last_good_commit]
or if you have pushed:
git revert [last_good_commit]
centurion:~ jerome$ pmset -g assertions
2016-01-07 08:07:40 +0100
Assertion status system-wide:
BackgroundTask 0
ApplePushServiceTask 0
UserIsActive 0
PreventUserIdleDisplaySleep 0
PreventSystemSleep 0
ExternalMedia 0
PreventUserIdleSystemSleep 0
NetworkClientActive 1
Listed by owning process:
pid 245(cupsd): [0x0000048000110227] 00:01:13 NetworkClientActive named: "org.cups.cupsd"
Kernel Assertions: 0x104=USB,MAGICWAKE
id=500 level=255 0x4=USB mod=01/01/70 01:00 owner=IOUSBHostDevice
id=501 level=255 0x4=USB mod=01/01/70 01:00 owner=Dell USB Keyboard Hub
id=502 level=255 0x4=USB mod=01/01/70 01:00 owner=Optical USB Mouse
id=503 level=255 0x100=MAGICWAKE mod=01/01/70 01:00 description=en0 owner=en0
Idle sleep preventers: IODisplayWrangler