Tuesday, July 19, 2011


cmd1 || cmd2    exec cmd2 if cmd1 fail
cmd1 && cmd2    exec cmd2 if cmd1 is OK

V1=${V2:=V3}    Set V1 with the value of V2 if this is set else set the
                variable V1 with value of V3 (V3 could be a number).
                sh replacement:  if [ $V2 ] ; then
                Example: DisplaySize=${LINES:24} ; Command=${Command:"cat"}

${V1:?word}     if V1 set  & V1!=null   ret $V1 else print word and exit
                  : ${V1:?"variable V1 not set on null"}
${V1:=word}     if V1 !set | V1==null   set V1=$word
${V1:-word}     if V1 set  & V1!=null   ret $V1 else ret word
${V1:+word}     if V1 set  & V1!=null   ret word else ret nothing
${V1#patt}      if patt are found at the begin of V1 return V1 whitout the patt
                else return V1
                V1="lspwd" ; ${V1#"ls"}  # exec pwd
${V1%patt}      if patt are found at the end of V1 return V1 whitout the patt
                else return V1
                V1="lspwd" ; ${V1%"pwd"}  # exec ls