Monday, July 18, 2011


compelling convaincant
shenanigans manigances
to endorse approuver
idiosyncrasy particularite
to toss lancer, s’agiter
nipple mamelon
garbled confus
bloated gonfle,boursoufle
to rig truquer
outright carrement
humpback bossu
to stymie coincer
eyelash cil
to cater for satifaire, repondre a, pourvoir a
to bounce rebondir
the gist of l’essentiel de
slick habile,chic
stringent rigoureux, strict
throughput debit
preclude exclure
snappy vivant, plein d’entrain
sluggish lent, mou
to loiter trainer (syn, hang about)
seamless coherent, homogene
accordance conformite (a qqch)
sloppy neglige, bacle
to streamline restructurer
to intertwine (s’)entrelacer
tight serre
to tumble degringoler
to come with s’accompagner de
to soar monter en fleche
to cave in flancher, ceder
sleek luisant, lisse, brillant
conceivable envisageable
overhaul (of system, of car) revision, remaniement
outlook perspective / point de vue, conception / vue
heir heritier
diaper couche
laggard trainard
daunting intimidant
to shoplift voler a l’etalage
to pursue poursuivre, se consacrer
a spade une beche, pique (cartes)
to dole out distribuer
peculiar etrange
incentive motivation
gross grossier (e.g. gross omission)
to withstand (vt) resister a
entrenched implante
dismissive dedaigneux
to be dismissive of ne faire aucun cas de qq’1, qch
to cave in s’effondrer, s’ecrouler
propeller helice
leverage effet de levier, influence
to hang up on you raccrocher au nez
to chitchat papoter
aisle couloir, allee (centrale)
shallow superficiel
shallow breathing respiration courte
to pour down pleuvoir averse
(the) bottom line resultat net, l’essentiel
a pond une mare
convoluted alambique
rod barre
flimsy leger
hunch intuition, pressentiment
to be tied up etre occupe, pris
burrow terrier
wasp guepe
woe is me pauvre de moi
to throw off foreign domination s’affranchir de la domination etrangere